A complex and multi-faceted Full Moon in Aquarius occurred today, one which has been a hot topic in the online astrological community over the last month and for good reason! This particular Full Moon is no ordinary event from an Astronomy viewpoint either; it's not only classified as a Supermoon, appearing 7% bigger and brighter due to its close proximity to Earth, but it also qualifies as a "seasonal" Blue Moon, a relatively rare occurrence. Typically, the three months between Solstices and Equinoxes host three Full Moons, but this season brings us four—making this Full Moon the third in a series of four. Astrologically, this Full Moon is packed with dynamic energy. With several planets in Retrograde (Mercury, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto), combined with some significantly edgy and potentially unpredictable planetary formations, taking a step back and keeping a level head has been the best advice I could give myself or others today. And due to the challenge of typing with my left hand only, several stop/starts in the process, never mind accidentally deleting everything I’d typed at 2am because I wasn’t auto-saving (Mercury Retro reminder- always back up!), today I did take it slowly and unplugged as much as I could from the world. Anyone born around 15th-18th February, May, August or November or with planets or points in the last last few degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio may be especially feeling the charge of this Full Moon energy now and for the next couple of days thanks to the influence of a T-square aspect involving Uranus—Aquarius’ modern ruler— at 27 degrees Taurus conjunct Fixed star Algol. A T-square formation occurs when two planets are in opposition, with a third planet squaring both, creating a dynamic and challenging energy. Here we have the Moon in Aquarius opposing Sun, Mercury Retrograde and asteroid goddess of the hearth and sacred fire Vesta all in Leo and they are all being squared by Uranus in Taurus. This is a potential shake-up energy. Uranus, known for its themes of independence, freedom, radical changes, upheaval and electricity may bring sudden shifts or unexpected revelations. Its influence can pull the rug from underneath us, but it also opens the door to breakthroughs and new perspectives. And if you factor in asteroid Pallas Athena in Scorpio within this geometry, this T-square becomes a Fixed Grand Cross. Fixed signs -Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are determined and stay for the course but can be inflexible or stubborn when overly identified or invested in their position or point of view. With Mercury Retro in Leo pride could get in the way of progress and plans or strategies could go awry Another T-square alignment involves Saturn, Aquarius' traditional ruler, in Pisces at 17 °opposite with Venus in Virgo at 18° and square both Mars and Jupiter together in Gemini ( Saturn and Jupiter are exactly square for the first of three times). This is an important time to take care of the nervous system and health due to the potential for being in overdrive or information overload. This astrological formation may particularly affect people with planets or points at 17-20 degrees of the Mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sahittarius or Pisces or those born second week of March, June, September and December. The opposition might bring confusion, mistrust and uncertainty, particularly in the department of relationships, finances and investments. You might feel torn between wanting to take risks and expand, or go with the flow, or pull back and reign energy in. This is a time to carefully evaluate where you might be overextending yourself and where it's necessary to set clearer priorities or discern what no longer serves. A great time to clear clutter, focus on what unifies, avoiding gossip and the shame/ blame tactic which always divides and lowers morale. Adding another layer to this celestial puzzle is the involvement of Ceres in Capricorn and the Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra. Ceres, the dwarf planet associated with nurturing and caregiving, is currently in Capricorn, a sign that emphasizes structure, responsibility, and long-term planning. Ceres in Capricorn urges us to consider the foundations we are building—are they truly nourishing and sustainable, or are they simply fulfilling societal expectations? This alignment creates a tension between the need for personal independence (Aries) and the desire for harmony and connection (Libra), with Ceres in Capricorn asking us to look at how much self worth might be tied up with achieving rather than being who we truly are. In the Air sign of Aquarius, this annual Full Moon calls us all to embrace our individuality, quirks and all, while participating in the larger collective energy field. The Sun in Leo, Aquarius' opposite sign, embodies the gifts of individual expression. When expressed freely, this creative spark can touch the lives of others. The Leo-Aquarius polarity often manifests as a dance between intensely personal self-expression (Leo) and collective participation and co-creation (Aquarius). At this annual Full Moon, we may experience conflict between our individual desires and the needs of a group, team, network, or cause With the many layers operating in this astrological picture, make an honest evaluation of what or who you invest time, resources and energy into and what you've outgrown. The last few years have been a big time of changes so take stock of where you're at in this present moment, where you resist and where you could yield, acknowledge your uniquely individual soul’s path and the divine spark within your heart. Three questions you may find value in asking yourself- 1. How do you balance your individuality with your role in the collective? With the Sun in Leo opposing the Moon in Aquarius, consider where you might feel torn between personal expression and group dynamics. Are you embracing your unique gifts while contributing to the larger community? 2. Are your current foundations truly supporting you? Ceres in Capricorn challenges us to assess the structures we've built. Are they aligned with your authentic self, or are they based on societal expectations? What adjustments can you make to ensure your foundations support your true values? 3️. Where are you resisting change? With Uranus shaking things up in this T-square, think about where you might be clinging to the familiar. Is there an area in your life where you need to embrace change, even if it feels uncomfortable?
As a new lunar cycle begins with the New Moon at 15° Leo, we’re half way between the Solstice and the Equinox and the exact midway point of the Chinese Year of the Wood Dragon. This is a good checking in point New Moon, great for setting intentions boosted by dynamic -and reflective- energy in the planetary picture.
Mars and Jupiter in Gemini are currently coming together in a highly supportive conversation with the Sun and Moon, expanding the potential for greater self-confidence, optimism and upbeat energy. Mercury- Gemini’s ruler- is simultaneously stationing Retrograde today- so with Mercury Retrograde asking us to review and reflect, it’s the perfect moment to balance outward ambitions with thoughtful consideration. We live on a planet of duality and with much political debate or divisiveness commonplace in many corners of the globe, the lower octave expression of Leo and Gemini could express as hype or needless drama. This tendency could be amplified over the coming weeks as expansive Jupiter begins to engage in a frictional square dynamic with Saturn in Pisces. Saturn guides us all toward being responsible with time and energy ( even in the oceanic sign of Pisces) while Jupiter, especially with Mars along for the ride in Mutable Air sign Gemini, could get carried away with multiple options or the desire to over extend. Mercury will be moving backwards into Leo over the coming two weeks too to form a second square or tense aspect with Uranus on the 17th August- the first having happened already around the last Full Moon on the 21st July. As these two meet again unpredictable technological glitches or misinformation could be widespread so this is an opportune time for relaxing the mind or soothing the nervous system and stepping away from digital overload when possible. Normally the annual New Moon in Leo is a great time for getting in touch with personal identity and what lights us up or inspires a sense of joy. But this year the planetary picture urges us to balance outward expression with introspection. At this New Moon Venus is at 29° Leo preparing to enter Virgo and conjunct the Fixed star Regulus -the Lion's heart in the Leo constellation. Venus is now reemerging from hiding behind the Sun to become the evening star once again in her cyclical journey. Being at this completion degree and back into visibility she may well be revealing something to us around what has altered in our value systems, relationships or what we enjoy, as she transitions into Virgo where she’ll be until the end of the month. Venus in this sign prompts taking practical steps for fulfillment or wellbeing, tending to routines, people, pets or pastimes that count. As we build up to an intense Full Moon around the 19th August, it's a good idea to stay unattached to any unfolding drama and to practice being objective. Temper impulsive reactivity. To tune out from discordant frequencies, anchor into a place of stillness within. This can be done by placing attention on your breath or the rhythmic beating of your heart or by counting inhalations in and out, pausing for a breath or two in between- your heart will thank you for this attention! How we choose to respond to outer world events and in our personal lives can have a tremendous impact on the world we’re creating for tomorrow. The ripple we create individually is way more impactful than we realise- we, like the Sun which rules fiery Leo, are at the centre of our own little cosmos which is a reflection or fractyl of the greater cosmos. So maintaining the ability to respond from the centre of the wheel ( the heart in the physical body) is the place of power from which everything radiates and that is what Leo essentially teaches us. Questions you may want to ponder: 1. How can you balance the need for creative expression and interaction with stillness and solitude? 2. What areas of your life need a reality check? 3. What practical steps can you take to enhance your physical wellbeing and align with what brings you joy? .
Astrologically speaking, 2024 has been an eventful year so far, with one of the talked about celestial events being the conjunction of Mars and Uranus tomorrow. This alignment, occurring at the same degree, brings together the feisty energy of Mars with the radical energy of Uranus against the backdrop of the steadfast Earth sign, Taurus. In a personal chart Mars governs drive, assertion, enthusiasm, self-will, dynamism, athleticism and courage but can point to anger, aggression, frustration or reckless energy if there are tense aspects involved. Uranus on the other hand is electrical, governs the urge for freedom, independence, innovation and revolutionary change…but it’s effects can be disruptive, destabilizing and pulse us to liberate stagnation. This combination can spark unexpected aggression, sudden breakthroughs, and a strong urge for freedom and independence. In the stable sign of Taurus, known for its resilience and determination, this alignment might finally release pent-up energies or provoke defiant actions. Interestingly, Mars and Uranus conjoin at the same degree as Algol, a fixed star associated with transformation and intensity. In ancient lore, this star was often referred to as the Blinking Eye of the Demon, linked with suffering, pain, intoxication, and misfortune. This fixed star represents the centre or third eye of the Medusa head in Greek Mythology. Medusa was a gorgon whose hair was made of snakes and anyone who laid eyes on her was petrified and turned to stone. As the story goes, Perseus chopped off her head and then handed it to Pallas Athena to be used in battle. Medusa’s head then became a powerful weapon and shield-if you were standing behind her you were protected, but if you were standing in front of her you’d be turned to stone. So the association here is about the physical head, execution or losing your head psychologically. This can suggest a physical impact, like headaches, bumps, cuts and bruises. But seen from another perspective this star indicates powerful psychic and physical protection or pathways transforming through overcoming difficulties On a global scale, this conjunction may correlate with significant political shifts or economic surprises, echoing historical events from decades past. It's a time when leadership dynamics could undergo abrupt changes (definitely happening in many elections around the globe), and our relationship with Earth and its resources may demand renewed attention and action. There may also be economic surprises or actual geophysical disturbance. Mars and Uranus haven’t been in Taurus at this exact degree since August 1942. They come together once every two years, so think back to July/August 2022 when they were both conjunct the North Node in Taurus at 18 °. Consider what has progressed over the last two years on your individual path or what you'd like to change going forward Questions to ponder might be: How has your drive and assertiveness evolved over the past two years? In what ways are you driven to change in your life or step beyond a comfort zone? Are you forging a deeper relationship with the Earth and its resources? Understanding these alignments can offer profound insights into personal growth, societal changes, and our collective journey on this planet. Happy New Moon in Cancer to all out there! Sandwiched between two Full Moons both in opposite sign Capricorn, the annual New Moon in Cancer is offering us a lunar reset point today. Being the astrological midyear New Moon, this is an opening to reflect on how the year has panned out so far and if you wish, to modify or reset any intentions made at the start of 2024. If you live in the Northern hemisphere Cancer season might be Summer when the work or school year begins to wrap up, you get a holiday break or more time reconnecting with family, nature or friends. Or if you live in the Southern hemisphere like I do it might be a time for conserving energy, hibernation or greater stillness- and hot drinks or comforting food! Both Summer and Winter are the peak seasonal times that lend themselves to celebrating what the Danish famously call Hygge- a feeling that can’t be defined as only one thing but I would sum up as anything which nurtures a heightened, grateful and present feeling of wellbeing. So that might come from the pleasure in simple things, in sharing food, a beautiful sunny moment, lying on your back in a natural setting or a feeling of intimate togetherness. To be totally free of care or worry in these moments can be a profoundly memorable and healing experience. These require a trust and relaxation into the present, producing a heart coherent state that triggers heart felt gratitude and appreciation of what is. This is the feeling domain where Cancer can excel as a creative force, geared towards providing the necessary container or setting that it would like to experience itself. The Moon is at home in Cancer, the Moon being it’s planetary ruler. In joining the Sun at the same degree, the reflected light of the Sun falls on matters pertaining to where we dwell- which is as much of our interior self as an actual home dwelling- or to whom or what we tend to, which may include family, children, pets, objects or property. As the first Water sign of the Zodiac, Cancer represents a sensitivity to emotional currents, an empathic ability to absorb what’s in the environment like a sponge. On a deeper level Cancer links us in a primal way back to the womb and being sheltered by our mother, the maternal experience, to nourishment, sustenance and instinctual response. The Moon connects to the subconscious realm which holds all memories and past experience. The stories of the past can repeatedly exert influence on the way we perceive and react plugging us into patterns of identification and dependence on lower frequency states such as anger, guilt or shame. It was a revelation to discover that we get addicted to chemicals released in our bodies in stressful dynamics or situations! This is where learning to bring the conscious light of awareness (the Sun) to these shadow expressions is a choice to to bring back different parts of ourselves towards connection and wholeness In the bigger scheme, the Moon governs waves of mass consciousness, the public sway of opinion or “viral” influences. This is where we respond collectively to imagery or powerful triggers of emotion- a a propaganda technique used in main stream media which could be used so constructively for empowerment and evolution.... Astrologically this New Moon is aligned close to Venus in Cancer which is currently hidden from view behind the Sun on her cyclical journey. Chiron in Aries is in a tense aspect to Venus over the next day or two, illuminating vulnerable feelings in relation to us or our relationships. Venus is receiving a very harmonious beam from Saturn to help us all distinguish what’s no longer supportive on an emotional level. This is helpful for providing an inner sense of centeredness especially when it's difficult to separate what we think from what we feel Mars in Taurus also helps to provide some stability with all this Water element emphasis, encouraging a practical, creative or hands on approach. Gardening or cooking could be very grounding at this time! Mars is moving into a conjunction with Uranus over the coming 10 days which highlights unexpected, unpredictable potentially wild card developments but I’ll be writing more about this in another post. On a final note, Ceres, the dwarf planet connected to fertility, agriculture and nourishment is in Capricorn in direct opposition to the Sun and Moon at 14° Cancer. Ceres governs a love of what is simple, natural, wholesome or good for you but in opposition here there may be a feeling of needing to make do with less or a awareness of issues around the food we eat, around farming and food production and the economics involved. On a personal level what nourishes us truly is worthy of consideration. Are we taking care of our bodies factoring in mind and spirit in the equation? Questions to ask while creating intentions : If you were to describe your internal landscape where you dwell right now, what does it look like and how do you feel? What truly nourishes and sustains you on a deep level? What experiences, pastimes or relationships inspire a feeling of wellbeing and gratitude and can you create more room for them? As we enter July, planet of Saturn has stationed retrograde at 19° Pisces, going into a retrograde phase which will last until 15th November when it will station direct. Typically, Saturn does three retrograde cycles while going through a sign which takes about 2.5 years. By the time the second cycle comes round, we’re well into dealing with what this transit is bringing up for us individually and collectively and more equipped to take cues. Worth noting is that when any planet is stationing its symbolism gets more amplified. Many may be feeling a slowdown energy or the need for downtime. Personally, I felt so physically low in energy yesterday I had to rest, an aspect of Pisces being all about surrender. There is a lot of planetary emphasis on the Water element right now too, plus a New Moon in Cancer coming up, so following inner promptings or self- care urges is favoured as we enter July. Saturn used to be the outermost limit of our solar system as the last planet visible with the naked eye and no other planet deals with the immediate visible realities of the Earth plane- such as responsibility, control, discipline, structured use of time or conservation. It represents safe limits and foundations in life but also walls that can become overly restrictive, defensive or rigid. How is the most contained planet expressed through an oceanic sign like Pisces? Balance is found in flexing rather than resisting, allowing rather than controlling. Cut some energetic slack for emotions and peace enhancement, some space for grace. Interestingly Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces, will also be going retrograde July 2nd and as these are both in Pisces (Neptune is in the very last degree) there may be increased physical or psychic sensitivity or a resurgence of old feelings. Contemplation and greater empathy may be required. Essentially Saturn gets us to deal with concentrating on worldly experience, the need for practice, patience or endurance. Through our attitudes, actions and behaviors what needs to be developed is brought to our attention one way or another. And like it or not this cause-and-effect process helps all to mature, refine and master things. So our greatest challenges can also become our greatest steppingstones, strengths and accomplishments. No shortcuts here but the kind of growth from which wisdom emerges. So, during the approximately 4 month retrograde phase of Saturn, a reassessment is likely in the department or areas being activated by its transit in your natal chart. This part of the cycle is when realistic appraisal or addressing what’s fundamentally working can become more defined. In Pisces, like any of the 12 signs, there are constructive and destructive ways the planet might play out depending on the reaction to unique circumstances. The destructive path of Pisces is in overly identifying with feelings of being a victim, with turmoil and suffering ( our own or others) or feeling disconnected via delusion, deceptions or excessive escapism. The constructive path is in being able to move with trust and inner resonance- have a clear barometer and compass- to direct talents where they need to go. This journey absorbs only that which serves while riding ups and downs in an inspired, fluid way. Pisces realm is the one of feelings and as the last Zodiac sign all that undefined internal stuff can have a big impact on our general health and wellbeing. There is a need to forgive, release and transmute accumulated toxic content from the past. This is where a good practitioner or therapist can be a huge help in sorting out complex feelings that haunt us, facilitating renewal. On another note, I personally feel that Saturn’s passage through Pisces along, with Neptune in the mix, has been opening us up to those aspects of life beyond ordinary limited 3D comprehension like extra sensory perception, the capacity to heal ourselves and other multi-dimensional gifts. It’s my sense that Quantum leaps in science- where perceiving the unlimited potential in everything is more widely discussed, researched and studied- is navigating us toward a far less limited understanding of the universe we inhabit and our place within it. Questions to ask might be: 1 How can you embrace Saturn's lessons of discipline and structure while navigating the accepting, empathetic nature of Pisces? 2️ Where in your life do you need to reassess boundaries and responsibilities? 3️ Are there old patterns or unresolved emotions surfacing during this retrograde period that require your attention and healing? Solstice and Full Moon Blessings to all out there on the planet this weekend! Regardless if you are in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, the Solstice marks one of the four seasonal gateways of the year which were regarded as important moments in times gone by and which are still celebrated by many cultures around the globe today. In Astronomy, the Solstices happen somewhere around the 20th-22nd of December and June when the Sun is farthest North or South of the Equator. The tilt of our Earth's axis increasingly angles the north or south pole towards the Sun creating the longest day and shortest night or vice versa. Then when it reaches the maximum tilt, the pendulum begins slowly to swing the other way. In Tropical Astrology these gateways indicate the Sun’s entry point into the signs of Capricorn (December) and Cancer in June, while the March and September Equinoxes are the new year ( Aries) and midway (Libra) markers of the astrological year. Together these signs are like the compass points of the Zodiac wheel, sharing an initiatory energy, collectively known as Cardinal signs. The astrological picture has continued to be eventful ( though not as intense perhaps) after the April Eclipse with the end of May and Gemini season bringing a change of guard with gas giant planet Jupiter entering Gemini for it’s year long stay. This immediately engaged in a harmonious dynamic trine aspect with powerhouse Pluto in Aquarius which signalled a change in the wind as these two combine to expand our minds (and possibly horizons) to a bigger picture playing out on a collective level. If you like me, found themselves moving around a lot over the last month or had more social interaction than usual, or have been dealing with multiple things, you haven't been alone and it may be time to slow down the nervous system if it's felt a bit over amped & take a breather as this Full Moon in Capricorn helps us to ground excess energy. Additional to Jupiter there has been a big planetary line up in Gemini so at the New Moon on 6th June two weeks ago the Sun and Moon were aligned with Venus as she has her own 8 year cycle, where every four years she goes either Retrograde or Direct in Gemini and meets up with the Sun. Joining the Sun, Moon and Venus were Mercury, ( Gemini’s ruling planet) and Jupiter too. Not to mention the incredibly slow moving Sedna, a dwarf planet discovered in 2003, right out on the outermost reaches of our Solar system &way beyond Pluto, who's orbit is 11,400 years, having gone into Gemini in late April- a post about this in the future. That meant that the Gemini zone of every birth chart has been super activated until this week with Mercury, Venus and now the Sun entering Cancer. Though the way this plays out or conditions are unique to every individual chart this was like an opportunity for us all to develop certain connections, ideas or projects, experience different situations or environments and above all stay adaptable, challenging us to flex a little in routine life. With the Gemini emphasis the mental realm can be very active and perceptions, thoughts, messages or processes are heightened. If you are conscious of the mind's gymnastics, this could have been a valuable time to consider where anxiety gets triggered and to choose to come at something from another angle. Additionally as the Moon, Sun, Mercury and Venus progressed in the days after the New Moon they also formed short but tense aspects with Saturn then in the past week Neptune in Pisces. This may have presented some reality checks or challenges ( Saturn) which then gave way to the potential for choosing a more compassionate approach, or at least to surrender and let go. For others this window may have provided the necessity to anchor one's energy into more stillness, slow down or take time out. I personally found starting each day breathing through my heart until I felt centred, incredibly helpful! But back to the shift into Cancer this weekend and the Full Moon. Being the first Water sign, Cancer is a yin or receptive energy. After all that yang Air sign mobility of Gemini we are getting to check in with feelings below the surface, with the inner self or emotions. Cancer is ruled by the Moon,which governs our instinctual, subconscious and unconscious drives, those feelings which aren't easily explained and which often relate to past experiences, conditioning for memories. Symbolised by the crab Cancer wants to feel secure within it's domain, to feel a sense of safety, so protection, home, nourishment, family and care (both for others and self) are it's main themes. The annual Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates commitments, plans or where we need to balance responsibilities in the outer world with personal needs or those for whom we care. What makes this Solstice especially significant is that the Sun and Moon are at the first degree of the Cancer/Capricorn axis. And this year we will have two Full Moons in Capricorn, the next one being in a month at the 29th degree. This axis refers to parental energies, the home vs profession, nurturance vs discipline. Capricorn is a practical Earth sign and generally self reliant and contained in it's emotional expression rather like it’s ruler Saturn with it's rings... but with both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces it's worth remembering that there is strength in expressing vulnerability and that through acknowledging the parts of ourselves that require some TLC we stabilise emotions and nourish ourselves in potentially sustaining ways. As we begin the month of May, Venus and Mars have changed signs which may feel like a welcome change to many after the powerful (and historic) planetary alignments of April! These planets have gone from being in signs which are challenging territory to signs which they rule.. Does this mean things will be easier in May? In a sense yes but let’s discuss Venus and Mars first and their connection to actions, desires, values and relationships. These two have come to represent the feminine and masculine genders though their astronomical symbols used in astrology. In Greek and Roman myths, Venus is associated with pleasure, beauty and harmony, while Mars is associated with vigor, heroic action or violence depending on which myths you read- in Greek myth he was regarded as brutish and aggressive, while in ancient Rome he was worshipped and revered! This duo represents the quintessential feminine/ Yin and masculine/Yang archetypes within all of creation. Seeming opposite in nature they are attracted to harmonizing with each other as necessary complements to generate things of worth to survive. Without that positive impulse to grow, the seed wouldn’t germinate and sprout and without the warmth and fertile conditions of the Earth, the sprout wouldn’t mature and flourish. Venus placed in our birth chart points to where we seek wellbeing, equilibrium and satisfaction through what we value, attract and cherish, while Mars points to the drive for action, what ignites us, how we show initiative or independently assert ourselves in order to master our external world. Both signatures underlie desire and contest, love and war. These planets operate in our lives in very immediate, sensory and personal ways. Venus is now in the first Earth sign of the Zodiac wheel, Taurus, where she’s at home. This is where she invites us to become more present, explore what we value, who we care for and how we deal with resources with a more deliberate (and sensual) approach than in Aries! This transit underscores a grounded appraisal of loyalty, security and self-worth concerns/how we feel in our bodies, in relation to others and/or personal finances. Desire-wise she is drawn to what is comfortable, constant, dependable and hands on. Meanwhile, Mars moving into Aries, also its home sign, invites us to take up the baton and initiate after his passage treading water in the oceanic currents of Pisces. Mars expressing in Aries energy is dynamic, forthright and impulsive, rising more easily to a challenge but potentially confrontational and reckless. With Venus in Taurus and Mars in Aries, we're invited to explore the balance between feminine and masculine energies within ourselves and society. Venus, currently ruling the South Node in Libra, and Mars, currently ruling the North Node in Aries, pulses us on an evolutionary level to transcend old power dynamics and address inequalities related to gender, resources, and positions of power. Emphasizing the theme of power position, Venus squared off to Pluto, the planet of transformation, with the Moon joining forces with Pluto in the first degrees of Aquarius. This may have heightened awareness around undermining feelings or control dynamics such as possessiveness or manipulation. Mars entering Aries around the same time was supporting the courage to confront and deal with uncomfortable situations or realizations around shadow play. The Lunar nodes of fate, with Venus and Mars as their rulers right now, are guiding us on an evolutionary bigger picture journey to embrace the interrelationship of all beings and from my perspective, upgrade outdated narratives of control and domination. Change begins with self-awareness and a commitment to establishing inner peace, no easy feat but the inner work of champions! The annual Scorpio Full Moon is always an invitation into deeper levels of perception. Being a Fixed Water sign, Scorpio opens us to an increased awareness around feelings which may be very private or kept under wraps. As with all Full Moons, the Moon is in the same degree but in the opposite sign to the Sun, so with this gravitational push-pull the Moon shines a light inwardly on polarized feelings in the subconscious which then play outwardly through people, circumstances or events. It's useful to look at which opposite houses of the chart the Sun and Moon are falling to see where we may be feeling the effects.
The Taurus-Scorpio axis prompts us to examine the balance between over reliance on physical senses and the accumulation of resources (Taurus) and the more complex, unexplainable energetic aspects of existence (Scorpio) which profoundly affect our inner senses and use of creative power in this life. Known for its passion, signified by ancient ruler Mars, and for its acute depth of feeling, signified by modern ruler Pluto, Scorpio represents the courage to face all that keeps us bound. On a material level this might be debt, legacies or taxes. On a sexual level these are energetic chords. Through this sign we have greater access to that mysterious sixth sense, to the depths of our psyche, and the dance of trust, vulnerability and desire in intimate bonds or connections with others. Both Taurus and Scorpio share a Fixed holding power, that of determination, presence and perseverance- qualities invaluable in the face of adversity. On the flip side there’s potential for stagnation if that loyalty is maintaining control of an unhealthy situation at all costs. Knowing when to hold on and when to let go are key growth areas for this axis. At the time of this Full Moon today, Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler, was in a tense T square conversation with the Sun and the Moon bringing greater intensity to situations, especially where power dynamics may be at play. This could be triggering many to really question where they feel disempowered or manipulated- especially around Taurus/Scorpio themes of who- or what- we invest our energy, money, time and resources into. This could be on a personal level, on a national or even global level. During this Full Moon, several key planetary alignments are worth noting. Mars approaching Neptune in the coming days adds a layer of confusion around feelings or how to proceed. This is another indicator of allowing something time to become clearer- if something can’t be figured out, it is advisable to withdraw and regroup. An answer may involve creating space for internal or intuitive prompting. Mercury still in retrograde motion and right next to the North Node of fate on one side and Chiron in Aries on the other, suggests it’s an opportune time to check internal narratives that may be holding us captive- such as old voices from the past or words we haven’t spoken out of fear of confrontation or recrimination. This could be a powerful time to diffuse implosive thoughts by writing them out, uncensored, as a personal release mechanism. Furthermore, Venus's conjunction with Chiron underscores the theme of healing hurts and traumas particularly in the areas of relationships, self- acceptance and self-worth. Embracing how we’ve felt rejected, separated or neglected can catalyze profound personal growth, which in turn fosters deeper connection with others. This could be a powerful time to seek help from professional therapists, counsellers and healers. On a final note, the recent Jupiter Uranus conjunction is pulsing us to grow and change and its galvanising influence will continue to pan out in the months ahead. Here’s to us all breaking through– even if it means a breakdown or chaos at first- into new terrain and progress! Astrology serves as a tool for self-reflection and understanding. By delving into acknowledge what isn’t integrated at the Full Moon, when two opposite signs are always highlighted, I believe we can work towards a greater sense of balance and empowerment. Questions to contemplate might be: What has been transforming in my life & where do I feel most the pressure of personal growth? Who or what is in control here? Where can I take back my personal power? There has been a lot of hype around the dynamic astrology of April- the recent Solar Eclipse and the upcoming exact Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus on 20th/21st being key -but the hype isn’t without good reason. After all a Total Solar Eclipse only happens once every 2.5 years, whilst a tough conjunction like the Saturn and Mars one which happened directly after the Eclipse , only happens once every 2 years and then Jupiter and Uranus only come together in the same sign at the same degree in their synodic cycle, once every 14 years. So to be happening in such close proximity is rare and does pack a punch, if you consider there are other conjunctions, like Mercury retrograding back to meet the Sun and the Sun meeting Eris yesterday which are also noteable! To put things in perspective, all this planetary activity is due to a line up of 8 of our solar system’s major planets, along with the Lunar North Node and a couple of key dwarf planets adding to the mix. Saturn, Mars and Neptune are in Pisces, the North Node, Mercury, Venus, Chiron, Eris and the Sun are all in Aries and Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus. By transit this concentrated energy brings the houses of any chart where they fall into busier focus while for the babies born at this time these conjunctions ( 2 planets or nodes within a few degrees of eachother) and stelliums ( 3 or more conjunctions) will represent important life skills, strengths and opportunities for personal growth. How well these planets individually blend together depends on their essential natures- whether they support or detract rather like chemistry between people- and the conscious use of these energies on an individual level. On a bigger time scale it's important to realise that the effects of the Solar Eclipse and the great Jupiter Uranus conjunction will be playing out over the weeks and months to come- not just on the days or week when they occur. There are certain themes highlighted by the planets and signs involved though of course everyones' experience and perceptions will be completely their own. As for my own experience…in a nutshell I’ve been grappling with bursts of stimulation downloads & an urge to enthusiastically charge ahead on a fresh wave of inspiration( Aries) regardless if I’ve taken time to look at the details or thought things out ( my inner child Self and my inner rebel Self have had active roles in the internal narrative here- inner child wants to play, inner rebel says "who cares about spell checking or how it sounds and NO I don't want to use AI to make things easier!") Then intermittently I’ve been berating myself to follow through on my own astrological advice and slow down (cue inner taskmaster and adult Self)- and whilst putting the brakes on to tweak what you’re creating is constructive and sensible (hello Saturn limiting Mars’s desire to flow unrestricted!) my self confidence has been knocked a few times while I've dealt with these conflicting voices and my self sabotage. Solar Eclipses can initiate and close out eras so with every new beginning there are the necessary ghosts from the past to deal with. Of the 3 Zodiac signs active now are the last (Pisces) representative of completions and the first (Aries) representative of the new dawn. Mutable Pisces might teach us through diverse experiences to embrace and forgive ourselves or others for the hurts of the past- these could be personal , ancestral, national or collective wounds. This is an alchemical process and emphasised by Chiron’s influence at the Eclispe-it can take time to sort through layered or complex feelings rather than ignore or escape them, especially when they’re programmes we’ve had running in the background for a very long time. Cardinal Aries on the other might teach us in being present with what is, squarely facing the truth, keeping it simple, straightforward, and direct! Embarking on a path involves risk- in nature there’s vulnerability in new life. Like when seeds are scattered not all of them will find the right conditions to sprout and grow. The Jupiter Uranus energy in this equation is curious because as the first Earth sign and coming after Aries, Fixed sign Taurus represents that Earth energy which provides the right conditions for that creative spark of Aries to take root and persevere so that it can grow sustainably and strong. So Taurus represents what’s required for survival like water, food, shelter and the resources we take for granted (e.g physical senses, skills, possessions and money). However Jupiter and Uranus in combination aren’t about establishing long term security or accepting the status quo. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system so governs all the blessings- and trappings- of expansion, acquiring knowledge through opportunities and growth. While Uranus is the shake-things-up future wired breakthrough energy that propels us towards innovation and hopefully, a better tomorrow. The two together have momentum and historically their coming together has accompanied rapid change. Taurus also represents Gaia so Earth wise, resource wise, food wise, financially wise there could be some unexpected events on the world stage and potential for geo physical changes too. We’re at another threshold with the upcoming New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Aries happening on April 8th/9th depending on where you live on the planet. This is the most highly anticipated Eclipse of 2024, not only because it’s path of totality crosses the United States ( the last Total Solar Eclipse to do this was plugged as the ““Great American Eclipse”” in August 2017) but also because there are a number of notable planetary alignments, one being the once in every 14 years conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus taking place on 19th-22nd April.
Solar Eclipses are super charged New Moons with an unpredictable energy which can shut down, stir up and realign. In ancient times they were regarded as omens -particular the rarer Total Solar Eclipses- which came to be regarded as signalling rulership changes, the fall of nations and political, economic changes in the places where they were visible. As evolutionary markers for life chapters and completions, Eclipses assist us to free up life areas- e.g people, situations or attitudes- that we’ve outgrown so we can begin a new cycle. So while they can be associated with endings or loss, wherever there’s a vacuum created in nature, life will seek to fill it. On an astrological level, Eclipses can signal shifts in the personal life areas where they fall but as we have Eclipses at least twice a year they may not be impactful on a personal level unless the Eclipse comes into contact with personal planets or points . This is where an individual Astrology reading can be insightful. The last time we had a Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Aries was 8th April 2005. If you’re old enough can you remember where you were or what was going on around that time? It occurred to me the other day that I was in Varanasi, whilst travelling in India, but that’s a story for another time... In terms of the impact on the Earth’s electro-magnetic energy field, Eclipses can imply seismic effects or shifting tectonic plates, volcanic or earthquake activity. The conversations between the planets in the Eclipse chart offer us insight into what themes may be playing out & what makes this one intriguing is that as the Sun and Moon come together at the same degree, Chiron is at the same degree almost to the minute as the Sun and Moon. Chiron is an enigmatic “minor”’ planet with an erratic orbit around the Sun between Saturn and Uranus, the first of various centaurs and dwarf planets that are coming into prominence in the Astrology world. Since November 1977 when he was discovered, there’s been a consciousness shift around holistic health & alternative ways of healing through therapies that consider the body/mind and spirit connection. Chiron in mythology was the centaur who not only was skilled in war craft but in the process of suffering, learnt to heal. He holds archetypal signatures of the wounded healer, a mentor or teacher who shares his discoveries and wisdom. But due to the eccentricity of this planet (that defies categorisation having a body rather like a comet) Chiron also represents the maverick or outsider. With Saturn being the established order and Uranus the revolution from old ways, Chiron holds a key (which is it’s astrological symbol) for the bridging of the two. With the North Node of destiny being so close by to this trio in Aries at this Eclipse, the Sun, Moon and Chiron are initiating a new conversation which could change perceptions around what it means to be whole, honouring our diversity, our unique paths, that make us who we are warts, wounds and all. Perhaps this will include Aries themes around courage, autonomy, independence... or with Chiron being so intimately present as the Moon’s disc obscures the Sun, something may come to light that has been in the shadows or hidden around victim consciousness or self sabotage. In Aries he represents the warrior’s quest for self-identification. In the collective psyche, there have been deep wounds around rejection, or fear of persecution for what we identify with. On the planet there has never been a time like now to express the essence of one’s self with it’s unique strengths, challenges and capabilities- and there’s ground breaking studies like those of Brene Brown that support the power to be vulnerable, to choose courage over comfort as a more authentic expression of a core sense of self. Mars is the ruler of this Eclipse and will be conjunct Saturn on April 11th in Pisces. In Pisces Mars can feel out of his depth and combined with Saturn’s restrictive influence there may be challenges around taking action from a compassionate angle rather than using domination or force. Passive aggressive energy, setbacks or delays could be potential triggers for frustration, anger or blame. Pushing against the river or snap decisions especially around the days of the Eclipse portal with Mercury also Retrograde are not recommended. In a Natal chart these two planets can be used constructively if harnessed correctly, at best suggesting stamina, military-like discipline or focused execution. A great way to direct this energy might be through a martial art, sporting endurance technique or dance discipline. And in Pisces more people may find themselves now turning towards some sort of regular spiritual practice to maintain a sense of composure and ease. On a global scale this may also be a signature for military maneuvers but disillusionment around leaders who aren’t acting for the greater good of the people they serve may be rising too. Mars will be conjunct Neptune at the end of the month reinforcing a collective feeling of dissatisfaction, futility or disappointment. With Mercury Retrograde conjunct the dwarf planet Eris, sister of Mars (and known also as the Goddess of Discord), in conversation around this Eclipse we have additional fuel for discontent. Alan Clay, a New Zealand Astrologer who has written a wonderful book on the new dwarf planets out beyond Pluto ( New Stars for a New Era) and who I will be studying with over the coming months says Eris encourages us to simultaneously see ourselves in an uncompromising way and be inclusive in our world view”. So she stands by her convictions. This could see people taking a louder vocal stance for silent majorities or those who are not heard, misrepresented or not included. This may well be a time when many are questioning what -or who- they stand for. Not to run out into a battleground fighting for what or who you believe in but to stand in the truth that is yours only and embody it, once you know what it is. I haven’t even touched on the Jupiter Uranus conjunction on the 19th-21st of the month but that deserves it’s own write up, so I'll be writing a part 3 for April ina few days! Usually the annual Aries New Moon is considered an opportune time for initiating new beginnings but given the planetary dynamics at the time of this Eclipse and the other planetary alignments happening later in the month, it strikes me that this a powerful but potentially unpredictable window, acknowledging the elements or patterns are no longer serving us individually and as a whole, needs to come from an unhurried place, with space and time for tuning in, sitting with the awareness that may arise for integration & healing to happen. Patience is not an Aries quality....much more a virtue of the following sign Taurus! With the amplifying energy of the upcoming Uranus Jupiter conjunction in Taurus however, there could be certain pieces of the puzzle that need to activate in our self-awareness for new vantage points, initiatives and pathways to open up more clearly in the right timing... On a practical level I’ve written about Mercury Retrograde in Aries in a previous blog post ( see previous post) but during this Retro period, staying present with here and now, deliberate, conscious communication, revising plans, taking time with major decisions or slowly formulating clear intentions is a good idea . Due to the unexpected energy that can be part of an Eclipse portal it is a great time to really observe what’s unfolding before taking action. It’s also advisable to factor in extra time when travelling or meeting deadlines! |